Skimlinks Test High on Luxe: Heartbreak, hopes and dreams

17 January 2014

Heartbreak, hopes and dreams

I am writing this post today because not only do I want to write about fashion and my style but I also want my readers to know what has brought me to this decision and to know more about me as a person, wife and mum.

18 months ago, I had the perfect family life, three gorgeous boys ages 11, 5 and 2 all fit, healthy and happy. 

My eldest boy Jack had just passed his 11+ to get into a very sought after high school and was very academic, sporty and popular. 
One morning Jack woke up with double vision completely out of the blue and in the days to follow are lives were not only rocked but completely blown apart…Jack was diagnosed with a large brain tumour.
He had immediate surgery lasting 15 hrs to try to fully remove it, but it was in such a dangerous place ( on the brain stem and in the centre of the brain ) that Jack was lost a couple of times and the decision was made to stop and leave the remainder of the tumour. ( approx 20%).
Jack came out of the operation in such a bad way it was touch and go for about 3 weeks and he was on life support in intensive care. If we thought are nightmare was to end we were much mistaken as Jack then had to have an operation to have a tracheotomy fitted so that he could breath.

This whole time we slept, sat and ate by Jacks bed and it was like living in a foggy bubble, in so much pain I actually felt physically my heart was hurting.

18mths on and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions from anger to elation.

Jack is now 13 and amazingly back at school and working hard everyday to overcome the struggles he has been left with.
It breaks my heart a little everyday to see him put his eye painted contact lense in to blind one eye to stop the double vision and see him walk for the school bus with a bit of a limp. But, and it is a massive BUT ..he is here and I am eternally grateful for every day , minute and second that he is.

So my views on life have obviously changed and I can’t stress enough that life is so precious and you must grab everyday by the throat and just have the best time you possibly can.

If you have been dreaming of doing something DO IT, don’t waste energy on worrying what other people think, live your dreams. 

Look at me starting a fashion blog at 42, but who cares? It is something I really want to do and I am loving doing it.

I hope now that you understand a little about my driving force in life, my family.

If you have children, go and grab them now and give them a massive hug and a kiss and be forever grateful for what you “have” and the rest is just a bonus.

This is a short video that I did for Jacks fundraising football tournament in the summer we have raised £15,000 so far .

It says it all….

Take care 
Amanda x


  1. aww this post made me sad :( very upsetting & must have been such hard times for you & your family. glad he is doing better etc these days & back at school. so much money raised as well, well done :) such a lovely blog you have :) would not have said in a million years that you are 42 though, you look absolutely incredible in all your photos :) lots of love xo

    1. Gemma that is so nice of you to say.
      They were and are very upsetting times but..onwards and upwards. Glad you like the my blog. Take care Amanda xx

  2. Just found your blog, love your style and then i read this post and it was so beautiful and honest awesome job with the fundraising ! i am so happy to hear your son is doing well now : )

  3. Thank you so much Isla, it is great to hear such kind words. He is a superstar and mending everyday:)

  4. Hi Amanda I've just found your blog and this particular post brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine what you must have gone through. What a brave boy Jack is. xx

    1. It has been such a difficult time, but has opened my eyes as to how fragile life is. So we all just live everyday to the max now :) x

  5. Hi Amanda, I've just found your blog, it's fab and so is your style! As a mum of 2 boys this post choked me, it's every parent's worst nightmare for their child to be sick. Wishing you and your family lots of happiness and what a fab boy Jack is, so brave. Share some of your beauty secrets too please as you look about 30!! Vikki xx

    1. Ah Vikki, That is such a lovely comment. I knew that it would strike a chord with any parent and I can’t stress enough the change it has had on our lives. I would love to share my beauty secrets and it is very nice of you to say I look younger. But I am a bit rubbish as far as beauty regime goes , sometimes a wet wipe to take my make-up off is all my skin gets! But my mum has fantastic skin at 65, so hopefully I have inherited her genes. Also somebody once told me that any sort of eye cream is really bad as it is absorbed and creates a pouch of fluid which is of course the dreaded eye bags! Hope you continue to enjoy my blog. Take care Amanda x

  6. Hi, I have been following your blog but had not seen this post until now, what a strong wonderful lady and Mama you are, and Jack is pretty amazing too, I have a little boy called Jack too and my heart goes out to you and your family. You are right to start this blog and share your fabulous outfits with is, you look so glamorous and cool and I bet your boys are as proud of their Mummy as you are of them. Wishing Jack all the strength in the world he sounds amazing x and looking forward to seeing lots more fab posts from you! X

  7. Thank you so much for your kind words. He truly is a courageous boy and i am of course a very proud mum. Glad you like my outfit posts, as I work my way round the blog and its “techy” bits I will get the hang of putting up links to the clothes or alternatives and hopefully get it a bit more user friendly!! Thanks again for your comments, they make my day! xx

  8. This brought a tear to my eye! You are obviously a very strong person and you are very right- all too often people become so concerned with what others will think/say they don't do things they really want to! Jack must be a brave wee man and I hope he is doing well! Your blog is great! X

    1. Thank you for your kind words Karla :) and glad you like my blog x

  9. After following me on twitter that bought me to your blog, so I've spent the last hour reading your posts, but thus one made me comment. I've actually sat a while before knowing what to say, as I lost my 2nd child at birth, (I knew this would happen) I sort of know your terrors you have and probably still are going through. Actually I still don't know what to say except your right live everyday, tell them you love them everyday and cherish every moment of all yours and your family life. Hopefully jacks future is bright and will always be surrounded with love.
    Sorry I've gone on a bit, Jo xx

  10. Hi Jo, Thank you so much for your comment. I am so sorry for your loss , I bet the pain doe’s not get easier. We are gratfull for everyday with Jack and your right there is bundles of love around him. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and look forward to your comments. Thanks again for your kind words. Amanda xx
